This will be a place for me to create a journel of the experiences, emotions, and happenings surrounding getting a new guide dog, my third.
Process: this is aptly titled, it's before the storm, I've put in the application, got my start date, and now just need to get the medical form flled out. After that step, wich happens on wednesday, I will get my transportation situation taken care of.
I leave may 5 to begin this adventure
And still, another adventure is ending.
On that same day, I will retire My faithful guide dog chief who I have had the pleasure of having in my life for 7 years. God has really blessed me with this dog.
I can't help but think, right now, right this minute at the kennels there is a dog that is destined to be my new guide, what is this dog doing, what kind of dog will it be? male or female, black or yellow, or something in between. I must rely on the good folks at guideing eyes, GEB for making te right match. I will leave that in God's hands because he knows what I ned better even than I do.
The emotional state
At this time, I'm feeling nervous, excited, happy, sad, upset, and most other emotions all at once. WHen I let my self think about it, I can hardly function, so I just keep it business like, I think of the pieces as if there part of someone elses life, scheduling things bruskly, efficiently but not really feeling it.
As I right this post, I am really letting my self think about it and I can bearly type.
It's about a month and a half or so, give or take a few days, and I can hardly wait, and I dread it
The intervening schedule:
I have so much going on at work and at home, my work schedule is getting fuller by the day, I have several business trip coming up, some local, some out of state. This is good, it makes the time fly!
Well, I can't think of more to report at this time, but I'll let you all know what's happening as it happens. More after wednesday.