Tuesday, April 29, 2008

less than a week

There’s less than a week to go,
Things are all planned and ready,
It’s my last day in the office,
I’m on the road the rest of the week.
Next week this time, I’ll be at GEB, and Chief will be gone. What a thought, I can’t dwell on it.
Here’s a poem I wrote about guide dogs

Dogs march through my head,
And the people they led.
Jule and Granite
Ed and Bentley
Don and Melvin
Jim and stormy
Ron and Uko
Bill and patan
Jen and Venus
Tuyen and Gina

The names of the dogs
As they pass through my head.
Their memories spread.
Through my mind they ryme
I pay tribute to them all!!!

The first two I think of,
Are Gina and Chief,
My first, my second
My friend, my partner.
My teacher, my student .
My dogs!!!

To all guide dogs working, and retired,
You are honored companions

We put our lives in your paws.
People donate for your cause.
They even made some laws,
protecting your lives,
As you help to guide ours.

It’s not complete, but it’s all I have for now.
Sorry if I’ve missed any guides, I mean no disrespect!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Lottsa lasts

Well, justover 1 week to go for GEB training,
I was flying home from alabama today, I was there on business, and I reallized, I'm experiencing lotsa lasts with Chief, the last time he will fly with me, the last time he will go to a hotel with me, the last time he will do his part in the presentation we did today.
As I write this, I'm starting to really feel it, Being as over tired as i am, I'm in an emotional state already, and adding that on top of it makes it a chalenge. I worked today with one of my good friends who is also a coleague, and that's the last time he will see chief. Maybe this seems overdramatic to some of you, but it's my mindset right now.
As I write this Chief is in his back yard sniffing and releaving himself.And there will come a time that he won't be in the yard, but another young dog will be out there.
My days of easy living with a guide dog that I can trust are almost over. A new guide dog is like a 15 year old kid, you always have to watch that they don't get in to things that aren't good for them, with kids, especially mail ones, it's porn, or other nasty sites on the net. With a dog it's food, and anything else distracting, including other dogs. you have to be on your guard all the time, thinking to your self, where is his head, because where his head is his nose is sure to follow.
This seems harmless enough you might think, but it can lead to eating things that are unhealthy at best, and lethal at worst.
anyway, that's my rant about the young dog set.
I have two more days in the office, then 3 days in the field, then Chief's retirement party,
If chief has touched your life and you wish to come to his retirement party, call or e-mail me at rox0805@verizon.net, and I'll get you the address and pertenant details.
all are welcome.
That's it, signing off!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Chuhga Chuhga Chuhga

Well, I got my train tickets, and my luggage tagsfrom GEB, and I got my biggest suitcase out of the closet. Over the course of the next week or so I will be starting to think about packing.
This trip is so different than packing for work. For one thing, I don't need all those dress clothes, it's street close for me for two weeks straight,
wooooo hoooooo
Also, I don't need to pack for a dog, no pounds and pounds of dog food!
I will be bringing my flexible crate, the one I take on all business trips, so my new dog can get used to it. If any dog guide users are reading this and don't know what I am talking about, call or write, I'll explain it and tell you where you can get one if you want, I love this thing, and think that I will especially love it with a new dog.
That's all for now,
Angie and Chief,
Off to alabama for the night, on work business.

P. S. I wonder what my new dog is doing right this very second, maybe he, she?? is eating breakfast.
Crunch, crunch, gulp, gulp!
Happy eating new doggie!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

May fifth

I Realized that in an earlier post, I said I had to postpone my training,
Well, as things often do, That's changed.
I am now going to GEB on the 5th, just like the rest of my class.
We will get our dogs on the 7th.
And I will be back on the 16th.
Then I'm here with my dog, and have another intensive week of training at my house.

That's the latest, and now I'm going to play with my kitten, who is growing like a little weed!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

15 days

Here's an exciting snipid

"Dear Angela,
Congratulations! You have been accepted for training with a guide dog at Guiding Eyes for the Blind."
and a bit from the end,
"Your success both in training and after graduation is important to us."

well, 15 days untill I leave for guide dog school.
I'm scared, nervous, excited, ready, not ready at all, and most of all I'm impatient.
I just want it to be over, the suspense is killing me!

Here's another little snipid for you.
The following information will answer some of the questions you may have about your stay at Guiding Eyes for the Blind. Please read this information carefully to make your stay as comfortable and productive as possible. Every attempt will be made to make Guiding Eyes your "home away from home" while you are here!

That's it for now, I'm going to read the rest of that document again, for the fourth time!

Please pray for me if you are the Praying type, and If you're not, you should be, God Loves you and is calling for you to know him!!

Friday, April 4, 2008


Sorry it's been so long since I've written, things at home and at work are crazy at best, mind numbingly insane at worst. Without going in to all the the painful details, I have postponed my trip to guiding eyes one week. This is due to my job, and I don't like it. I understand why they asked me to do it, but I don't have to like it, I don't have to be happy about it!!
So, chief will be with me for another week and we will leave together on may 10th. I have 37 days to go. It seems like forever!!!
Please pray for me, I need all the prayers I can get now. Things seem like they are spinning out of control!
That's it for now, More later, probably in may.
Angie and Chief, for a little longer.
PS. what is my new dog doing right now? is he walking the streets, is he laying down in a cennel, or what?? I'm burning to know.
Angie and ???