There’s less than a week to go,
Things are all planned and ready,
It’s my last day in the office,
I’m on the road the rest of the week.
Next week this time, I’ll be at GEB, and Chief will be gone. What a thought, I can’t dwell on it.
Here’s a poem I wrote about guide dogs
Dogs march through my head,
And the people they led.
Jule and Granite
Ed and Bentley
Don and Melvin
Jim and stormy
Ron and Uko
Bill and patan
Jen and Venus
Tuyen and Gina
The names of the dogs
As they pass through my head.
Their memories spread.
Through my mind they ryme
I pay tribute to them all!!!
The first two I think of,
Are Gina and Chief,
My first, my second
My friend, my partner.
My teacher, my student .
My dogs!!!
To all guide dogs working, and retired,
You are honored companions
We put our lives in your paws.
People donate for your cause.
They even made some laws,
protecting your lives,
As you help to guide ours.
It’s not complete, but it’s all I have for now.
Sorry if I’ve missed any guides, I mean no disrespect!