Wow, I can't believe it, It's been two months already, and Essence is doing great!! She is so reliable, calm, and mostly behaved. I have had chalenges with this dog, as well as triumphs! She has guided me in some unfamiliar places, and in one and a half weeks, we will fly together for the first time! I have really developed a bond with this dog, I really love her! I think we are developing trust as a team, and the bonding process is well and truly begun on both sides. This dog is so different than Chief in so many big ways!
one thing that she does that is a little annoying and a tiny bit cute is when we're on the bus, and we get to our stop, just as we're pulling up to our stop, she will dig her toe nails in to my foot. I think it's a way to remind herself to stay in a laying down possision. She doesn't do it any other time. She is really cute at home, and full of spunk!
She loves to carry her bone around, and wants you to throw it for her.
She is cuddly and loving. She even tollerates the cats!
Overall, this has been a great two months! I miss chief, and no dog will ever replace him, but she is a great successor dog!!